Listen and See with your heart ♥️

Helen Keller Quote for Newsletter April 4th 2023

Do you take seeing for granted?  Very likely yes…most of us do.

Have you given any thought to HOW you see?

We tend to take in what we see very literally,  through our rose, blue, green, gold, colored glasses.  Our life experiences lenses.

This is an encouragement for all of us to practice “seeing” on a more empathetic level.

Seeing from a state of inner silence and through body awareness.  

Being aware of and stopping the inner dialogue, the “thinking” mind,  in order to give ourselves the chance to see past the labels.

To see what IS, to experience essence and energies with our hearts. 

There are energies in the body that can aid in the inherent intelligence that runs through all things…unified with life itself.  

Everything is energy.

We are able to see from a higher source… through the cracks in our own habitual perceptions, IF we give it a chance.

Mindfulness practices have the potential for developing perception that can bypass ordinary thought and reactive emotions.

We feel and sense so much! 

Learn and practice using this vision more, our heart vision, to experience this extraordinary life and journey.

With Gratitude,

Gayla and Friends
 “Meditation” can take place anywhere, anytime.
Walking, painting, cooking or cleaning etc.
 Slow down and bring mindfulness and awareness of your heart to your activities.
Spend more time in the right brain, where feelings, intuition, compassion, creativity, and imagination are born and exist.

<h1>How to Become an Heart-ist: A Step-by-Step Guide</h1>

Please share this newsletter with others who are on an inner peace and selfcare journey.

When people share testimonials, with or without a picture, it truly helps and is greatly appreciated!

You can also share on your social media account and tag @GaylaDesigns & use #theartofpurpose

Let’s spread the love!

Thank you💗